Wednesday, January 19, 2011

i'm want 2 cry right now,,

tetbe lak adar bg dgr lagu jiwang karat !
tyme 2 gak laa aq ingt kat someone...

you were there to light my day
you were there to guide me throungh
from my days down and on
i'll never stop thinking of you

how can i forget all that
when you're the one who make me smile
you'll always be apart of me
how i wish you were still mine

never will forget the day
how we're met and came this far
we all know we got this feeling
but somehow it has to end up here

 hope the one that i'm still remember will read all this.
truly dedicated for him...

 thanks a lot to adar that gave this songs to me.....

huh ! sidd ase nyew......

arghhh !!! tidak !! 
ase cm bangang ble dpt taw ekspedisi xjd ! 
oh ni baby ! 
atoyai ape yg nk diberitahu nie.........
1st yg pling lwk .
ble dpt taw g tibai coklat bebyk !
ase cm bangang ! tnsion pnye psl !
lek laa 1st time beb !
mmg byk mslh !

smalam tok mereleks kn diri..
g la cll sume org yg berkenaan
sume org yg jrg aq cll sume aq cll
nsb bek dpe lyn
hahah !

so hari nie sbnr nyew plan nk stdy
tp aq xtaw la npe aq leh ade kt cC nie
nk lps prasaan la konon..
n wt blik krts keje ngn cr
nk pke lappy sndri mmg la bleh
tp syg nk hbskn btri
sbb charger xde
org kdai 2 pon 1
pnye la lme repair aq pnye charger !
nyo toll !

krang time stdy
aq nk buli cr
jht sungguh aq nie
ciap la..
kte tngok cmne cr ajar physic yg aq sndri xphm !
jgn ngadu kt ehem2 die sudaa.

kpd yg berkenaan jgn la nk menjelezkn dir anda
lek sudaaa

~~~~~~ the end ~~~~~~

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

last day bersamanya...haha !

nk kte sedih... xsedih.. nk kte xsedih... sedih... pehal la aq nie...puyus sudaa...oh no baby !! hmmm pyh2 ble dh jd cmni...ase nk nangis jew..sob2

Monday, January 10, 2011

ekspedisi ! caiyok !

hahaha ! 1st time dpt job handel ekspedisi ngn geng ! mntp jang ! best gilak aq ase..akhir nyew tercapai gak cecite aq ! thnx a lot kpd cegu rizal tercyunk !( agaga ! ade gak yg lepuk aq kang ) ehem2... tnx gak kpd kengkwn aq yg turut sme mengjoinkan diri dlm prog nie ! aq arp sume lncr arr.. insyaALLAH amin... hope phk skolah aprove proposal yg aq wt dgn peluh masin,masam,pahit,manis sume ade..2 blom termasok bertekak ngn tuan pengarah n sgla ajk2 ! huhu ! mmg da bez ar kowg ! haha ! xsbr nk g !!!! hope sume cegu2 yg aq cyunk dpt mengjoinkn diri....cegu rizal, cegu amir, cegu mail, kedua2 cegu samsul n cegu baru skolah aq ! bleh berkenalan dn lbh rpt ! dunt noty2 ! agaga
the end......muaxx